First time homebuyer workshop on May 31st – update report

The morning was sunny and clear and about a dozen folks attended a First Time Homebuyer Workshop on May 31st. It was held in our office on County Square Drive in Ventura. Don and Leslie taught the workshop and covered the numerous aspects of the money involved in getting a loan, credit scores, qualifying yourself for a loan, common types of loans for entry level buyers, short pays and REOs, the Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA), and escrow. To wrap up our time, two past clients shared their “in the trenches” real life experiences and thoughts as they were buying their first homes.

In June, we’ll be having another homebuyer workshop and also another REO “speed dating” caravan of foreclosed homes – this time in the North Oxnard area around St. John’s Hospital. Stay tuned…

Filed under article topic: Home buyers
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