The 15% issue…

Over the summer we’ve been working with a goodly number of buyers, and a not uncommon theme has been the balancing of desire with reality.

In the several first time homebuyer seminars we did this spring and early summer, we addressed this issue with a PowerPoint slide of a gorgeous Spanish Hills home in Camarillo (“OUR DESIRE”) followed by a slide of an outhouse (“REALITY”). You’d be surprised how true that is!

It’s been said there’s a 15% gap between our desire and what we can really, truly afford.

That’s where a great Realtor like Leslie comes in to help! Bridging that 15% gap is a process, and Leslie patiently listens, helping buyers find a home that ultimately not only meets their needs, but their desires! She has “the touch” to make it happen!

Filed under article topic: Home buyers
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