Pass the pork (and the rum) please!

We’ve gone from a 3 page bill to a 110 page bill (defeated) to the Senate’s 451 page bill (passed). Hmmm…

If you thought our political process was all about helping “Wall Street” or “Main Street” or the “homeowner”, think again! The first and overarching priority is to keep your job.

That’s why so many Democrats and Republicans in tight congressional races voted against the first 110 page bill – public outrage demanded it. A vote FOR the bill would have surely cost them their job come next month. So – our Senators didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. They too can read the political tea leaves. In this Senate bill are $$ (tax credits) to help NASCAR, Puerto Rican rum, wooden arrows…

Maybe I’ve missed the big picture here. I thought our country had a liquidity/credit crisis centered around mortgages and the devaluation of home prices.

Mind you – these aren’t “earmarks”. They aren’t there to help a particular Senator swing his/her vote in favor of the bill (are they…?). No wonder our 20 and 30 year olds view Congress with cynicism and distain.

Lift your feet, it’s starting to getting muddy around here.

Let’s see what happens when the House takes this up…

Filed under article topic: The Economy/Economics,The Fed & Housing policy
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