By Don | February 13, 2009
J.P.Morgan Chase and Citigroup both formally announced stopping new foreclosures while the Obama administration finalizes their plans to solve the housing crisis. How does this affect the Ventura real estate market? Read the rest of this article »
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By Leslie | February 12, 2009
Ventura City Council will be considering approval of the controversial final draft of The Victoria Avenue Corridor Plan on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers. See the article from yesterday, February 11th, for more detail and updating the meeting date.
This Plan would guide land use decisions for the location, design and appearance of future development.
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Random Stuff
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By Leslie | February 11, 2009
The Planning Commission for Ventura presented to the public and the Ventura City Council recently their recommendation for approval of the final draft of the controversial Victoria Avenue Corridor Plan.

Victoria Avenue shop frontage
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Random Stuff
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By Don | February 10, 2009
Today’s Wall Street Journal had an article dealing with the nation’s inventory of homes for sale and stated that there is currently about a 9 month supply of homes nationally. But Leslie just published yesterday our local real estate MLS data statistics for January and so I was curious about our local inventory levels. How do we fare? Read the rest of this article »
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Market statistics/Trends
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By Leslie | February 9, 2009
Ventura real estate activity is directly reflected inĀ pendings – homes that have gone into escrow. This data is taken directly from the Ventura MLS and provides a monthly and quarterly summary since January 2007.
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2009 Pendings
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