Ventura MLS listings – homes sold in February

Here are the February sold statistics for Ventura in our new expanded 14 month format. The homes sold and condos sold data comes fromVentura MLS listings.

Filed under article topic: 2009 Solds,Homes sold
Comments (4)

4 Responses to “Ventura MLS listings – homes sold in February”

  1. Adel mikhail Says:

    need to know sold condo and homes at ventura

  2. Leslie Says:

    Hi Adel – the statistics we provide for homes sold give a general picture of where the market is. For specific prices for neighborhoods, etc, we’d be happy to email you that info. Just email Leslie or Don and let us know! Leslie

  3. Adel mikhail Says:

    need to know condos & homes sold recently

  4. Leslie Says:

    Hi Adel,
    The stats for March solds for Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo are now up on the website. This includes single family homes and condos.