“Finishing well” and volunteerism – Teaching ESL (English as a Second Language)


Leslie teaching an ESL class.

A number of years ago Leslie and I began thinking about the “inevitable” – the transition from our full time jobs as Realtors to …what?  And when?

We knew we weren’t just going to sit in our rocking chairs on the porch!

I’m turning 65 at the end of the year (I’m an almost Christmas baby) and Leslie turns…29.

We’ve taken to heart the concept of “finishing well”. It can mean many different things to people, but for us it ultimately means full time volunteerism at some point down the road.

But what kind of volunteerism? We’ve been reaching out to many different people and organizations to see what might possibly be a good “fit” for us. We’ve done numerous seminars over the years and love teaching, so we recently started teaching a Wednesday night ESL class at the Adult Center on Ventura Avenue under the Laubach Literacy program. What fun (and a little bit of work)!

This ESL class for us is just the first step into a future someday of “finishing well”. We’ll keep you posted on our thoughts, explorations and musings as we begin our journey down this road!

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