Putting the Tiger Moth into hibernation
By Don | October 25, 2013
With the start of our transition to “giving back” over the next several years, I needed to put my Tiger Moth project into hibernation.
A lot of people have asked over the years “When will you finish your airplane” and I’ve usually given some crazy, long term answer. But truth be told, for many of us builders, the answer isn’t in when the project will be done, but rather the process in and of itself.
Being in a hangar with Gary, Geoff, Doug and other long term builders, a lot of the time has been spent in great camaraderie – talking airplanes, flying and life. I’m surprised I’ve actually gotten as much done as I have!
But this past fall, Leslie came out and helped me wrap the wings, tail feathers and other parts and hoist them into the “attic” of the hangar. I needed to spend a full weekend clearing out (and off) my worktable, pack up all my tools, organize lots of little “stuff” and basically leave everything clear and clean.

A completely clean and cleared work table! But a couple of months later, it’s loaded with parts from my hangar mates!