“Place-ability” – not a word but a concept in our quest

work·a·ble  (adj) – Capable of being put into effective operation; practicable or feasible.

questionThe Peace Corps needs just the right person(s) to put into a specific job for the most effective operation.  So how can Leslie and I make ourselves more effective and thus, more “placeable” with the PC?

That’s our quest!

Leslie and I have 5 criteria we’re trying to “enhance” (see previous post).  We can’t change our age or that we’d need to serve as a couple.  But what can we do with the other criteria?

1. We are strengthening our teaching experience with “real” teaching.  The PC loves credentialed teachers.  Those teachers have real world experience in teaching.  Leslie’s cousin has a good friend who’s been a Realtor (like us) all her working life, but got her teaching credential after university but didn’t use it as a career.  She just got accepted into the PC (check that professional degree box off!).  Oh well.  Last year Leslie and I were really excited about teaching in China (previous post) but now we’re on Plan B – trying to land a similar job in Mexico.

2. The year plus we’ll be in Mexico will prove to the PC that we have our financial house in order.  We can “make it” financially.

So we acknowledge we’ve got a bunch of strikes against us (compared to our competition!) but we love and look forward to meeting those challenges!

Filed under article topic: Our Adventures!,Peace Corps
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