After deployment – tourists to Washington, D.C.
By Don | January 1, 2017
After being released from my FEMA deployment, Leslie and I wanted to see and visit an area where she lived as a teenager while her Marine Corps Dad was stationed at Camp Lejeune near Jacksonville, NC. During that time, her Dad bought about 50 acres of undeveloped land along the inland waterway and sub-divided it, installing streets and infrastructure, then selling off the lots for custom homes.
Leslie has her own street!
We spent about a week in D.C. before heading back to Guatemala. I personally enjoyed seeing the two Air and Space museums (the one at Dulles airport and the original on the mall) but we stopped into our Congresswoman’s office and received guest passes to watch both the House and Senate in session from the gallery.
But the sessions were boring. In the House, congressmen stood before an empty chamber, read their printed speech then handed it to someone in front of the Speaker’s chair. This exercise was merely to get the speech printed into the Federal Register (official document of proceedings) so the Congressman could tell his constituents back home he gave an impassioned speech before his colleagues about whatever. We left after half an hour…!
But we were lucky this trip. A “super” full moon with clear weather over the mall. We deliberately visited the Lincoln memorial at sunset and early evening to catch this view.
After being gone from “home” for almost 2 months, living and working in multiple locations, it was great getting back to Xela again!