What caused the financial meltdown? Here’s the official answer (sort of…)

confused-monkeyThe last Congress created the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (www.fcic.gov) to answer that question and yesterday they gave the official answer in a 545 page report. So who’s to blame? Read the rest of this article »

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“Strategic default” – Morgan Stanley did it, why not you?

Morgan Stanley made a business decision to walk away fromĀ  5 office buildings in San Francisco they bought at the height of the market in 2007. It’s estimated their value dropped by almost 50%. They were not in foreclosure and were making the payments. It’s called a ‘strategic default‘ – a purely business decision. If Morgan Stanley can walk away, why not you?

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The “Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan”

President Obama just concluded his speech in Mesa, Arizona, and announced another leg in the stool of attempting to curtail the housing crisis. Here are the salient points of the plan.

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Two major real estate conferences in 2 weeks

Two weeks ago Don attended the Tenant in Common Association (TICA) 3 day conference in Las Vegas. This conference was focused on the TIC industry, which is generally comprised of investors who do IRS tax deferred 1031 exchanges into large, institutional grade commercial properties. General forum sessions consisted of economists attempting to read the “tea leaves” of our economy, credit crunch issues, volatility in the financial markets, and the like. Read the rest of this article »

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Wall Street roller coaster ride – what impact on Ventura real estate?

I got back from a 3 day conference (Tenant in Common Association) in Las Vegas this week and everything seemed to revolve around the 900 pound gorilla in the room – Wall Street’s meltdown. Read the rest of this article »

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