Welcome! Don and Leslie have been full time Realtors in Ventura County for over 30 years. It's been fun watching as "little" Victoria Avenue (and many other streets) have morphed into what they are today.

Just as our local communities have evolved, we've seriously considered for the past several years how we could someday "give back" and "finish well" - expressions that can mean a lot of things to different people.

As part of our research into opportunities for service, in early 2013 we contacted a Peace Corps recruiter who helped us start our journey. But our new path wasn't going to be as straight and easy as we thought! And so we began a transition into something completely different from the routines we've known for the past 30 years - and have begun a path that's leading into the exciting unknown. This will be our story!

Reading the tea leaves

OK – Congress didn’t pass the bailout bill and the market tanked 777 points. Now what? Listening to all the talking heads on Bloomberg and MSNBC this morning before the market opened, it seemed to be all about who was to blame for the failure. But then, when the market opened, it jumped over 200 points! As I write this at 9 a.m., it’s up 298 points. Read the rest of this article »

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“The bailout must protect homeowners!” (But who? But how?)

Politicians have been posturing that the bailout should help “Main Street” vice “Wall Street” and should help “homeowners” – whatever that means.  The governor of New York, David Paterson, wrote an op/ed piece in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal with that headline. Read the rest of this article »

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The bailout: Section 109 – Foreclosure Mitigation Efforts

Section 109 – Foreclosure Mitigation Efforts – states in part (a) that “the Secretary (Paulson) shall implement a plan that seeks to maximize assistance for homeowners…to minimize foreclosures.” Read the rest of this article »

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The bailout: Section 110 – Assistance to Homeowners

Section 110 – Assistance to Homeowners encourages homeowners to take advantage of the Hope Alliance’s “Hope Now” program. It would appear that great political pressure will be brought to bear on those lenders to now modify the terms of mortgages “underwater” or in serious trouble. Read the rest of this article »

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The bailout: Section 124 – Hope for Homeowners Amendments

Section 124 – Hope for Homeowners Amendments appears to be administrative cleaning up of existing law in the National Housing Act.

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Don's building a replica of a 1930s era biplane at Camarillo airport. Over the past several years, he's had numerous students help in building the plane. Track the Tiger Moth progress here!